90210 is an American teen drama television series developed by Adam Mesbah and Gabe Sachs, that aired on The CW from September 2, 2008 to May 13, 2013. It was the fourth series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise created by Darren Star. 90210 is the first series produced by CBS Productions under the company's re-launch, but is now produced by CBS Television Studios.
The series originally revolved around several students at the fictional West Beverly Hills High School, including new Beverly Hills residents Annie Wilson and Dixon Wilson. Their father, Harry Wilson, has returned from Kansas to his Beverly Hills childhood home with his family to care for his mother, former television and theater actress Tabitha Wilson, who has a drinking problem and clashes with his wife Debbie. Annie and Dixon struggle to adjust to their new lives while making friends and yet adhering to their parents' wishes. The series later focuses on the same group of friends as they graduate from West Beverly Hills High School and begin their lives in the adult world. Some attend college at California University, while others begin exploring avenues beyond post-secondary education.
~Kristyl Joy Gonzaga (July 10, 2013)
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