Sunday, June 30, 2013

Celebrating the University of St. La Salle Founding Anniversary! ''61 Years and Counting''

Celebrating the University of St. La Salle Founding Anniversary!
''61 Years and Counting''

                  July 1 - 6 is the Lasallian Foundation week. We started the celebration with a fun run that started from The New Government Center and ended up at The USLS Football Field. It was a fun and sweaty experience. It  really did bring out the hell of sweat out of me. I'm sure some students who participated in the run can relate to me. I'm not used into running that long. Whoosh! A tiring but a feel-good one. Added up to the celebration is the blessing of the newly-renovated track. We also did some aerobic exercises which the students really enjoyed. This day was a blast! I'm expecting more fun and exciting activities as our Foundation celebration continues. ANIMO... La Salle!!!

                                                                           - Aubrey Ann Bayot AB1C

Friday, June 28, 2013

 A Kind of Kiss

          A kiss is something that is given to the one you love. It is something very valuable and precious. But nowadays, it is not that special anymore. People tend to give that kiss even to the people they don't love. They kiss someone without any reason at all. And sometimes, they just do it for fun and games.

          I like watching people kiss, especially when I can really see that they love each other. It is always supposed to be like that. You kiss them because you love them, not because you're forced to or any other reasons. There was a time that I kissed someone, but we were not in a relationship. We were looking at each other like we were about to kiss. Our face got closer and closer to each other. And suddenly, I closed my eyes and I felt his lips touching mine. The temperature of my body was very high. I was paralyzed and I couldn't move. I know I kiss a lot before but that kiss was different. No kiss could compare to that one. It was a kiss like no other. It was something that I never expected. It was a kiss that helped us figure out what we really feel for each other. The words that I wanted to say and he wanted to hear turned out to be a kiss that brought us together. I let him feel how much I loved him and how much I wanted to be with him through that kiss. A kiss so amazing and I've never had before. It was a kind of kiss that made me feel so infinite.
          The memories that I treasure the most are the ones that I never expected to happen. I should not worry about anything because if it's meant to be, it will happen. I will forever value the little things in life and never forget the true meaning of loving someone. And most of all, I will never forget that a kiss means everything.

                                                                                                       ~Nikole Marie Asuncion <3


Thursday, June 27, 2013


Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) 

~was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first 
deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how 
Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a 
near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she 
learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic 
depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker. Her birthday on June 
27 is commemorated as Helen Keller Day in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania 
and was authorized at the federal level by presidential proclamation by 
President Jimmy Carter in 1980, her 100th birthday.

A prolific author, Keller was well-traveled and outspoken in her 
convictions. A member of the Socialist Party of America and the Industrial 
Workers of the World, she campaigned for women's suffrage, labor 
rights, socialism, and other radical left causes. She was inducted into the 
Alabama Women's Hall of Fame in 1971.

Paul Warren Apura

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


"Even when you've played the game of your life, it's the feeling of teamwork that you'll remember. You'll forget the plays, the shots, and the scores, but you'll never forget your teammates."

    The game between the Spurs and Heat was very intense. Both teams don't want to lose from one another. So they formulated different techniques to outwit each other. At first, I had faith with the team Duncan because they won the first game. I really felt this season was for the San Antonio Spurs. Miami Heat always make sure not to lose the first game for they know that if they win the first game, they are more probable to win the season.

"The best athletes in the world are those who are willing to push harder then anyone else, and go through more pain then anyone else."

   Sad to say, my faith was torn into pieces. Deep inside I knew all along. Miami will lead this season for I know they have better line up than Spurs. I really want the Heat to lose this season or NBA 2K13 because they have defeated my favorite team last season which is the Boston Celtics. I really enjoyed watching the game. Even though Celtics wasn't able to play in the finals, my heart is still with them. And I'm happy to the San Antonio Spurs  and Miami Heat that they have reached the finals of this season.

"Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing."

  • Maria Paz S. Amazona :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

If i can travel time to the past


              If I can travel time to the past

         Living in this world is fun and interesting. We should treasure every single moment because we only live once. When the time passed we can never be back it again. We should spend time wisely just like money, we cannot easily back as long as we already spend it. Well, sometimes I’ve imagine what if I can travel time to the past? Where and when would I go? Yes, that was so impossible right? What if?
           If I would go in the past I would rather go to the time where my family is complete and happy together because nowadays, I just can imagine that we live in one roof together. If I could really travel in the past maybe I would go in our old house because it is the only place that we have lots of memorable memories that we’ve share together. If I were there I could imagine my younger years that we have a complete family. It’s been a year ago since my father passed away. It was the biggest regret of my life because even in his last breath I never say or express how much I love him and thank him for everything. How time flies fast that I could not turn it back. How I wish that even in just a dream I could say it to him.

          Thus, I was so thankful even though I could not turn back the time because I know that God has a purpose why it happened. I know that God has a reason for everything. I know that everything I have and for what I am now, is God’s purpose for me. And I believe that there is always a perfect and right time for everything.

                                                                           ~Lenin V. Alojamiento

Monday, June 24, 2013


The word photograph comes from two Greek words - photos meaning light and graphein meaning to draw.Without light there is no sight and no photographs of the type in this exhibition. Light from objects enters the camera and hits the film while the shutter is open. This causes a chemical reaction. Developing and fixing the film involve further chemical reactions to produce the photograph itself. Black and white photographic film is essentially composed of a layer of photographic emulsion on a thin plastic base, along with other layers that provide structure and protection. The 'active ingredient' in the photographic emulsion is a silver halide that is sensitive to light. When exposed to light the silver halide crystals produce a latent image as they begin to break down into black specks of metallic silver. Developing the film completes the formation of silver to produce a negative of the picture.A photographic print is made by allowing light to shine through the negative onto light sensitive photographic paper, usually through an enlarger. Colour films contain three emulsion layers on a plastic base. Each of these layers is sensitive to a different colour of light - yellow, cyan and magenta. Combinations of these three colours produce other colours. Developers for colour films contain dye couplers which attach dyes to the silver that forms during the development of a colour film.  The silver is then dissolved, leaving behind the dye.

In photography, the photographer has control over a number of variables. These determine the quality of a particular photograph.The photographer obviously selects the subject. With wildlife photography it may be that many other variables are to an extent out of the control of the photographer. After all it is wild life. Patience is a definite virtue! The variables that are under control are those relating to the camera, the film and lighting in terms of the situation and/or time of day selected for the photographing. I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that their individual feelings were worth expressing. To me, that makes photography more exciting.
You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.. :)
                                                                                                                                                                                        --LyxaAlmine x.o.x.o
AB Psychology

Monday June 24, 2013


It is the most powerful thing on earth......
We can't choose whom to love.... It just came...  
It just develop in our hearts... 
And just maybe we don't know why it has to happen to us...

For love??.. It makes laugh, it makes us to be happy...
But sometimes love can make us cry, and be sad...
Yes, it can be hurt sometimes, but scars can be healed time after time.
But it can't stop us for loving someone  even though the whole world are against it.
We just forget what's  in the past and we forgive them in whatever they have done wrong. whether they would be our friends, our parents, brothers and sisters, our neighbors, even our loved ones... 

For the power of love can make our world peaceful. And love can make our world so colorful.
With this power of love we can change our world from dull to bright.

Lets go make a differences in this world., before its too late to try.

~Prescilla May G. Alob :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

     A dream is a wish your heart makes ^_~

Each human being is a gift, and we each have our own unique dream and purpose for living. We each must mine our imaginations, creativity and souls to uncover our true purposes and passions. Our dreams are magic, and if respected, nurtured and honored, they ultimately bring an abundance of meaning and purpose to our lives. Dreams guide us as we reach for the stars, follow our heart's desire and do the things we are passionate about. Dreams help weave the fabric of who we are, and they reveal what matters most to us. They allow our spirits to shine, and they reflect our uniqueness and authenticity.
Life is a journey through time, filled with many choices;
Each of us will experience life in our own special way.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, ''Remember to believe in yourself''
And all you want your life to be,Because the challenges and changes will only help you find the dreams that you know are meant to come true for YOU.

Dreaming is the way we define what matters to us and what we wish to accomplish and do in the world with this one life.

Keep Believing in Yourself and your Dreams! ;)

~Harjea Niera H. Aligan ♥

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fashion & You

FASHION --- a kind of art which is intertwined with everything. 

For some, fashion is everything; for others, it's nothing. Who among you know that fashion is an important part of life but doesn't let it get into you? In fact, fashion plays an important role in every person's way of life because it is considered as a manner of self-expression. When a person finds that the clothes suit his/her look, attitude, and feelings, it gives him/her a great sense of confidence. Indeed, everyone should  be happy or contented with the clothes that they are wearing so that they can feel good about themselves. 

The word "Fashion" instantaneously brings to mind a stunning glamour with fabulous colors, and everything that is "in" in this contemporary world. But it doesn't really mean that every person should follow the trend nowadays just to be fabulous and recognized. Also, one can make his/her first impression on you by the way you dress up. Hence, a person should wear clothes that would reflect his/her personality. Moreover, there's nothing interesting about looking perfect by putting on the best and expensive fashionable clothes. By trying to look perfect at all times, you lose your identity of being human.

Fashion is about us. It's about you. It's about finding our own style and knowing who we are and establishing our own brand. We should not create a false image of ourselves just to impress others. Just like what Gianni Versace once said:

Cheers to the authentic and voguish you!

-Trecia Rae H. Agpangan